New Solar

This is a major invention.  It is a new kind of solar panel that can be printed on anything.  Glass windows in your car or office building, roof shingles, parking lots, whatever.  The cost per watt of solar is currently $3.  This stuff is 30 cents.

We need action.  We need our government to buy reams of this stuff and put it on every government building, car, truck and property.  We need to mandate that it be put on people’s houses.  This is the invention that could stop global warming.  It doesn’t eliminate our problem with car fuel, but it does solve our problem of TV, toaster and air conditioning.

Think about it.  Tell your congressman or school board supervisor or whatever.  As soon as I can afford a house, I am going to get this stuff on the roof.


One response to “New Solar”

  1. Melanie Archer Avatar
    Melanie Archer

    Man, this is exciting! No, really– I’m astounded that this material exists, and isn’t plastered atop every big box store, ginormous shopping mall, and parking garage. I agree that new construction, at the very least, should be required to have solar roofs.

Whatya think?