Jared 4

Today is Jared’s Birthday. He is 4 years old. Nana already sent a box of goodies. He is excited. His language is so good. He has grown so much, so quickly. Time is whipping past me. I can’t believe the last 11 years of my life. So much has happened. I feel like the same person, but I know that I am not. Jared’s birthday is also the anniversary of Katie giving birth to her second child. She is so good to us. We need to get her something nice today. ‘Ah Sam’ is a flower store nearby with lovely flowers, yet inexpensive. Last time, I took the kids and we picked out flowers for mommy together.

Happy Birthday Jared. Thank You Katie.

Tax Update: I think the design test is winning. After today, it may become the standard page. Woo Hoo! What a relief! I was so worried about this test. It proves to me that information is more successful when it is organized elegantly.


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