Macromedia (a.k.a.’s first post)

Originally Posted Monday, March 4, 1996.

Macromedia announced the long awaited successor to its award winning multimedia program. Director 5.0 will hit the streets at an estimated $900 US. Director 5.0 will be the first upgrade in several years with many badly needed new features. See the copy from Macromedia here.

What does this mean? It means that Macromedia is going to make ALOT of money this year selling its multimedia authoring tool, especially considering its lack of any real competition and its successful Shockwave plugin for Netscape. This new plugin lets HTML jockeys create multimedia right on their web pages without Mr. Java.

Shockwave is free but Director is mondo bucks. Recently TCI’s online venture through cable (@home) licensed Shockwave for their front end. (release) MACR is the stock to buy this year. Long term gain prediction = 100%.


Whatya think?