Month: January 2024

  • Post Covid Observations

    Lots of random thoughts. These are in no particular order. Look at my screen Some of the best work I have done was with a partner (designer, pm, or engineer) sitting right next to me. There are moments when you are designing when its appropriate to say “Look at this” and get a quick reaction.…

  • Disruptions in Tech

    “Disruptive technology is an innovation that significantly alters the way that consumers, industries, or businesses operate. A disruptive technology sweeps away the systems or habits it replaces because it has attributes that are recognizably superior.” – Source: Investopedia In my lifetime, I have seen many sea changes in the world. Computers, television, job Hunting, consumerism,…

  • How to get your first B2B design job

    About 90% of my ADPList mentees have the exact same question. “How do I get my first design job?” I figured it would be easiest for me to just write it all down here. This post is not for marketing design where you will mostly be making websites and brochures. Also it is not for…