My Personality Test Results

I’m not a big fan of the personality tests like Myers Briggs and Colors.  I feel like I could answer the questions either way almost every single time. Also, I feel like the results are always generalities like “You have a long ‘love-line’” that you get in palm reading. I’m a skeptic and believe I am a unique snowflake.  However, I did the tests anyway.

From the Myers Briggs test, this is my result:
Introvert(11%) iNtuitive(75%) Feeling(12%) Perceiving(33%)

  • Slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (11%)
  • Distinct preference of Intuition over Sensing (75%)
  • Slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
  • Moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (33%)

The text didn’t seem that accurate to me.  I don’t know what any of it means.

On the other hand, I recently did the 5 Dynamics test.  It was very short, lasting under five minutes.  I tried to relax and go with the gag.  The results were much more accurate.  I showed it to some peers and they all think it nailed me to a tee.  One person was laughing and said, “They must have been stalking you!”

Here is my “5 dynamics energy map”.


It basically says I am “effortless” at everything except EXAMINE.

Examine definition: Drafting a detailed plan, to analyze data, and anticipate what could go wrong. “Someone who enjoys planning, the details, and finding mistakes.”

In looking at the details there are items that resonate strongly with me and some that feel slightly off.  It’s funny, on the first reading it felt 100% accurate, but a week later, I saw many flaws in the details.  I think one reads these things with a leaning to hear what they want to hear.

If you are interested and/or would like to psychoanalyze me, feel free to read my full results.

So, even though 5Dynamics seems accurate, I am still fairly skeptical.  I’d like to see other people’s results and not rely just on a single data point.


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