Nauseously optimistic

I heard this phrase on the news from a Kamala Harris advisor. I kind of love how it captures the feeling I often have, not just about the current political situation.

Over the years, I have worked on many big projects. At least a half dozen times over the years, my project would be in a state where it could go either way. Like a little flame in the dark, it could be stomped into oblivion or it could ignite a bonfire and light the way to the future.

This period can last a year or two depending on how big the project is. My job during that period is to (in addition to designing) evangelize the virtues of the project and get support from all levels of the org. During these meetings with people I need to always maintain a positive and confident attitude.

Sometimes, people get what I am saying right away. Other times, I get naysayers who want to stomp out the little flame. Depending on who that person is, it could put a major pit in my stomach. That’s the nauseous part.

No matter what is happening in your stomach, you have to be positive and optimistic. All problems have solutions. It helps me stay in the moment and not suffer future failures before they have even happened.

Of course, sometimes things go badly. When that happens, it’s ok to grieve. Until then, I’m going to be nauseously optimistic. 🤮


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