Election Day 2020

I have a serious feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. In 2016, I felt confident in the morning and sadness and despair slowly built up during the day. Today, I am exhausted with all of the 2020 nonsense. I am sick and tired of there being news every single day. I can’t stand Trump’s constant tweeting. I am fed up with the disdain for science that people shout while using the technology that science gave us to do the shouting in the first place.

Bottom line: I need this nightmare to end. I just got back from voting and hope you voted (if you can) today as well.

Best Case Scenario

  • Biden wins. Democrats take Senate and local state houses. Landslide wave election.
  • Trump steps down without riots and violence.
  • States adopt the Interstate Compact and we can finally be done with the Electoral College.
  • Upon inauguration, Biden undoes most of Trumps executive orders and replaces the mid-level employees of the government with people who care about their jobs.
  • Biden leans into national testing and contact tracing programs.
  • A democratic dominate government passes a massive energy overhaul program and gets rid of oil and replaces it with wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources as quickly as possible.
  • Basic science research is funded.
  • Subsidies are massively overhauled to stop giving money to poor industries and start giving it to better ones, like electric cars and wind farms.
  • Education programs are overhauled to stop focusing on tests and start to focus on quality including funding the arts and music.
  • The Supreme and Federal Courts are reformed to make them less partisan. Term limits probably are a good idea.
  • World Peace. Science. Progress. Happiness.

Worst Case Scenario

  • We don’t find out who wins and it turns into a full blown revolution.
  • Trump supporters start rounding up Biden supporters and several high profile democrats disappear.
  • Trump declares martial law and suspends the congress.
  • Russian trumps arrive to support the Trump regime and occupy Washington DC.
  • The Internet is censored and progressive voices are stamped out.
  • Facial recognition and AI is used for Pro-Trump militias to target and eliminate opposition.
  • There is a mass flight of people to Canada and other countries.
  • A nuclear weapon is … I can’t finish this sentence.


I have never been as scared for our future as I am today. This day is way more pivotal than any other day in my lifetime. More important than the 2000 election, which I think massively changed the course of history. Way more important than 9/11.

I don’t know. I just don’t know.

I am hopeful. Neither the best, nor the worst case scenario will happen. I will definitely be disappointed with some of the outcome. Whatever happens, we will experience it together. For better or for worse.


2 responses to “Election Day 2020”

    1. Pretty accurately conveys my feelings back on election day. Unfortunately we’re somewhere in between best and worst case and muddling on towards a dark tomorrow.

Whatya think?