Farewell Marketo

This is the second time that I am blogging that I am leaving Marketo. I joined the company, as the first non-founding employee, in 2007. Then, in 2009 I left to try a different company and progress my career. After nine months, I realized that I missed Marketo and they missed me. So I rejoined in May of 2010.

During my time at Marketo, I have invented and designed wonderful products and features, made hundreds of long-lasting relationships with excellent professionals, and led people towards an exciting and prosperous vision. I have been in charge (at various times) of product management, UX, product marketing, documentation and other random initiatives. I contributed towards culture, education, support and numerous other parts of the company. Marketo went public a few years ago and made many people in the company a good deal of money. Not enough to stop working but enough to be very proud.

Marketo’s customers are amazing. They are so focused on improving their companies and the marketing departments position in the company. They love great experiences and products. I am honored to have helped them on their career defining journey.

Some awesome moments and things I remember:

  • Watching Hillary Clinton, front row center, with my son, while 6,000 employees behind me filled Moscone West
  • The first Marketo summit in San Mateo
  • Training Jodi Florence and Jen Erale, the first two customers
  • Figuring out Emily Salus’ use cases on the whiteboard with David Morandi
  • Inventing SmartLists with Paul Abrams
  • Watching the infamous Crash demo
  • The login with the flowers animating down the screen
  • Talking to Maria Pergolino and Jason Miller late at night and trying to get their features built
  • My Lincoln on a Bear speech
  • Helping Patricia with the support system decision
  • Convincing Carina Boo to take a year off school to work for me
  • My year with Srini, best manager I ever had
  • Spending Fourth of July in Portland with Shaun Klopfenstein
  • Teaching Atanasio Segovia everything I could and watching him create Marketo Moments without my help
  • Mentoring designers like Jenny Chang and Kai Haas on projects
  • Collaborating with Anna Zeman on my last design
  • And countless more moments…

There are so many more people like Cheryl Chavez, MJ Jeswani, Justin Cooperman, Erik Rehn, TJ Kim, AJ Nair, Kelly Abner, Wei Liu, Ian Taylor, Scott Edmonds, Nick Valldeperas, Pavel Kramer, Jon Miller and of course, Phil Fernandez; all of whom I treasure the memories and experiences. I am forgetting so many people, It’s a blur.

Sometimes, I imagine my last 9 years as a parade. You are exciting in the beginning and watch all of these people pass you by. They come and smile and then leave. Its heart wrenching to watch your second family go. Eventually, you realize the parade will go on and on and that it is you who must depart.

The last nine years have been rewarding in many ways. Although, I might have changed a few things, I still profited in every way imaginable. I am a better designer and leader having had my Marketo journey. I will miss it terribly.

I’m sorry if I have forgotten your name here. Just comment and I will fix it.  You all will be in my heart for the rest of my life. I love you all.

Farewell and good luck.


13 responses to “Farewell Marketo”

  1. Maria Pergolino Avatar

    I can’t imagine what you’re feeling – Marketo was such an important place for me and my experience is nothing compared to what it must have been for you (both because of how long you have been there and because of the role you’ve taken in the company). We’re not particularly close so I don’t want to be overly mushy, but I do know that Jon thinks you’re amazing and he has the highest bar I’ve seen. That’s huge.

    What’s awesome is you’re joining a great group of alumni – almost all of which have felt some of the sadness/excitement/bliss/uncertainty (mixed emotions) that comes with leaving. What is also awesome is I have yet to know an alumni who has not used Marketo to make their next step greater. Some have grown in their careers, some have started their own businesses, and some have refocused on family or lifestyle. Regardless, I’ve found you don’t lose Marketo. Instead, you just find other places to reconnect with the incredible people who passed through the doors of 901 Mariners.

    Best of luck to you!

    1. Jon Miller Avatar

      @Glen, great post! Heartfelt, warm and genuine!

      @Maria, I love your comment about the Marketo alumni. Thanks for sharing it!

    2. Christine Hansen Avatar

      How well-said, Maria! I feel the same way!

  2. Kimi Avatar

    Best of luck!

  3. Michelle Taub Avatar
    Michelle Taub


    Good luck on your new adventure. I know you will be successful

  4. Emily Salus Avatar

    Thanks for the mention, Glen, and wishing you joy and fun in whatever you do next! I’m moving on to my to-be-determined next chapter as well, but the ride with Marketo and working with you has been unforgettable.

  5. courtneymcara Avatar

    “Its the end of an era”. Best wishes to you on your next adventure!

  6. Bobby Carp Avatar
    Bobby Carp

    I’ve been called a lot of things in my day, but forgettable is not one of them 🙁

    Anyway, working with you side-by-side in the first Marketo office is really a great memory. Sure there were almost tears during those weekly sprint reviews and Phil & David’s classic conference room meetings had you, me and Crash wide-eyed with fear, but overall a good memory. I’ll never forget the intensity you put into each keystroke as you furiously two-finger typed your ideas, commentary, feedback, etc. I learned a great deal from you over those 5 years and just last week I suggested to a new grad on my team to fix an IE 10 layout problem with “float: left” which always makes me think of you.

    Best of luck on your new adventures. I hope you and your family are doing great.


    1. Glen Lipka Avatar
      Glen Lipka

      No, not forgettable. Sorry about that. 🙂 I remember you listening to Jodi Florence with me on speakerphone. We loved her southern accent! Good times.

  7. Carl Avatar

    Good luck on your new adventure. You are an impactful person and am sure you will continue to change software for the better. Will never forget your old corner office, our trip to UC Berkeley and that how much effort needs to go into the last 10%.

  8. Edward Masson Avatar

    You’re an inspiration sir! Enjoy your next adventure, I’m sure you’re going to do great things and I for sure I’m looking forward to those great things.

  9. Michael Berger Avatar
    Michael Berger

    Glen, sorry I didn’t get a chance to say a proper farewell, but I’m very excited for you as you embark on your new challenge. You’ll be missed at Marketo, and I enjoyed working with you over the past 3.5 years. Best of luck at Engagio!

  10. Elliott Lowe Avatar
    Elliott Lowe

    I will so miss our candid conversations and your awesome presentations at Summit. Best wishes for your new parade!

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