How much can you make with Google AdSense?

I actually found it a bit difficult and confusing to answer this question.  There are many variables including traffic, audience make-up, page rank, ad size, placement and more.  The numbers are all over the map.  I am happy to share my stats with this experiment.

My prediction originally was $2 a month.  I wasn’t very optimistic.  I read one post saying someone made $80 a month with very little traffic.  It could be an urban myth though.

Apparently there are special words like mesothelioma which can get $25 per click!  Who would have thunk such a thing?  Advertising is a strange and curious beast.  Almost everyone denies being swayed by advertising, yet it is one of the most influential business models on the web.

In hindsight, I shouldn’t have erased all those Windows 7 blue screen of death articles.  It doubled my traffic.  Oh well.  I’ll take the ads down eventually, but I want to experiment and see what happens.


One response to “How much can you make with Google AdSense?”

  1. Glen Lipka Avatar
    Glen Lipka

    I made 40 cents since last night. 🙂

Whatya think?