WordPress 2.6 and Gravatar

Wow, that was fast.  WordPress 2.6 is released.  I actually had trouble with it for the first time ever.  I downloaded the ZIP file and it had errors.  I then tried the TAR file and it worked like normal, magically and instantly.  This is my first moment using it, so I haven’t seen specifics about the experience.  The WYSIWYG editor “looks” the same, but apparently it’s been upgraded.  It still uses some PrototypeJS, but it has an up to date version of jQuery.  I’ll look around.

Also, this theme uses Gravatars.  I find them pretty cool and easy to use.  Just go to the site and register your email.  Then upload a photo.  That’s it.  Then whenever you post on a board that uses Gravatars, your pic will show up.  You don’t have to upload a photo of yourself, you can upload a picture of a monkey, but the point is that you get to personalize.  I think it’s neat.


6 responses to “WordPress 2.6 and Gravatar”

  1. Avinash Kaushik Avatar


    Have you tried the automatic upgrade plugin:


    I have used it a few times before and it works like a charm. I am going to upgrade to 2.6 tonight, lower traffic then. : )

    PS: The theme looks great, the picture up top does not do justice to your prettiness.

  2. Glen Lipka Avatar
    Glen Lipka

    I tried it once and it broke my system. It scared me off since then. The manual process only takes a few minutes, so I don’t mind. If they built in the automatic upgrade to the WordPress base, I think I would try it again.

  3. TomQ Avatar

    Hey Glen,

    Looks good…to bad I always read your blog (an others) using Google Reader these days and don’t get to see the new features and themes. 😉


  4. Glen Lipka Avatar
    Glen Lipka

    I read 100% of my blogs with Google Reader too. However, one’s website is a reflection of one’s personality. It’s not easy being green.

  5. TomQ Avatar

    Green is the new Black.

  6. cat Avatar

    be entertained

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