• Sheep and Balls

    Why do people think Microsoft is the Devil? It’s just a company. They make software. It’s Redmond, Washington, not Redmond, Hell, Level 9. Open Letter to all closed-minded sheep. You know who you are: Try to be a little more objective when it comes to companies like Netscape and Microsoft. Netscape…

  • Comparing Betas

    In the interest of brevity (Don’t count on it, today’s column is WAY too long) I am only going to compare two browsers. Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 beta 2 and Netscape Navigator 3.0 beta 6. These are the two browsers that have the most impact on the Web at this…

  • Microsoft Makin Moves

    So who’s making the headlines these days? It seems like Microsoft has been in every major announcement in the last few weeks. Windows NT 4.0 rolled out the other night beating its main competitor Novell Netware (code named Green River) to market. NT fixed some bugs and limitations which place…

  • Everyday is Special, Almost

    This column, Beta Net Review, tries to publish every day and, at the same time, only give you news that’s interesting. So in the true spirit of net honesty I have to say… Not much happened yesterday. Xing Technologies released a version 2.0 of its streaming audio/video plugin for Netscape.…

  • NT 4.0

    Microsoft is releasing the 4.0 version of their NT operating system today. It incorporates the graphical user interface (GUI) of Windows 95 but is designed for networks. Microsoft Windows NT Workstation will be available in the next month for about $319. Upgrading from earlier versions of Windows NT Workstation will…

  • Macromedia Streaming (1996)

    Editor’s Note: We only use 28.8 modems. One of the most striking similarities of most web pages is the lack of any sound. The net is deaf. Quietly clicking away without a single voice or note. There have been many attempts to break into this silent world which can be…

  • The State of the Internet (1996)

    I’ve often compared the Internet to pre-World War I Europe. The net is a thick, twisted mass of agreements and alliances. The major players and their tangled web of handshakes can all be listed. Oracle‘s leader Larry Ellison has predicted the doom of the PC and thinks that the NC…

  • POTStickers Anonymous (1996)

    The internet has so many possibilities its astounding. Multi Player games, free long distance video conferencing, no tax shopping, video technical support for all your household appliances, online banking, and a host of others. Every kind of long distance or local communication can get a boost from the net. So…

  • QUAKE (1996)

    The net has received a gift from the gods better than anything lame old Prometheus has bestowed. This gift will change the face of the net and spawn a multi-billion dollar industry. And Quake Be thy name. Quake, for everyone who doesn’t know, and you know who you are, is…

  • Back in Black

    Formerly Internet Review, BETA is now my little way to express my burning desire to predict. Here is my disclaimer and explanation for anyone who cares: I think the majority of industry leaders and analysts are short-sighted and hype crazy. I think that whenever a revolutionary new technology (printing press,…

  • Op-Ed: Web Ads (1996)

    Something sad and foreboding has happened. Web Review online magazine has announced its last issue. It is closing down because the advertising ezine model has failed to generate enough revenue to sustain the Web Review staff. Does this mean that online magazines are doomed? Hmm. I have been mulling this…

  • NBA Updates (1996)

    DOH! They were so close. I have predicted that the Utah Jazz will beat the Seattle SuperSonics in the NBA finals. They almost did it last night but they were stupid. They let the clock run out thinking they would get the ball back with four seconds left and instead…

  • Internet Box + Predictions (1996)

    Oracle, IBM, and Sun Microsystems are finally ready to show the world what the NC (Network Computer) can and will do for the world. Well, they are at least going to show what it looks like. Oooooh, shur looks perty, Pa. Les getum one fer ma! Let’s look at this…

  • Future App: Radio (1996)

    If you have spoken to anyone about the internet, you know the game we play. What will it be like? What will the internet do in the coming days/months/years? Of course Kokopelli has predicted the Killer App of the internet is free long distance and video conferencing, but what else…