• LinkedIn Etiquette

    LinkedIn is the only social media platform that I actively engage in. I don’t use Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. I like to doom scroll TikTok a bit, but it’s not like I talk to anyone on it. LinkedIn is the one platform that I will actually talk to people. I…

  • Vote with your wallet

    Corporations are not human beings, no matter what Citizens United and the Supreme Court says. As non-human entities, they have no compassion, no empathy, no sense of right and wrong. Corporations are set up for one purpose: to create value, usually in the form of money. Now obviously, I don’t…

  • Design vs “Design”

    In LinkedIn, I will often see someone ask what is the better UX or UI design. Something like this: This drives me crazy. In my B2B design world, this is a meaningless detail that doesn’t make any difference. This is B2C mobile design and they don’t do what I do,…

  • Escapism

    I remember the news cycles from 2016-2020. It was a non-stop flood of news ranging from the horrible to the ridiculous. (rarely anything good). I decided back then to limit my news intake to maintain my sanity. We are just two weeks into the 2nd Trump administration and I sadly…

  • Protect your future self

    Many decisions that I have made over the years seemed like good ideas at the time. However, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see that I could have made different decisions that would have had greater long term benefits. Three examples to illustrate. ExtJS 0.33 Alpha When Marketo first…

  • Social Media Stages

    Social media has been a fascinating experiment for civilization. Something in our DNA craves group interactions and the internet has created so many different ways to connect. The digital evolution from bulletin boards (old school method) through MySpace and AOL, to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok has shown…

  • A Little Tech History

    I remember watching The Pirates of Silicon Valley. (The documentary, not the dramatization) It was a series of interviews about the Silicon Valley world in the 1970s – 1980s. It covered the birth of Microsoft, Apple, Oracle and other giants. You can’t tell their story without talking about Xerox. Xerox…

  • Breaking down a problem

    One of the most important skills of a designer is the ability to break down a problem into coherent building blocks. Unfortunately, I find most designers struggle with this task. It seems that there is an expectation that breaking a problem down is a PM or Engineering thing to do.…

  • AI Product Ideas

    Right now, AI seems to fall into a few camps. One is add-ons to existing products. Seems every SaaS provider is adding AI to its offerings. Salesforce is trying to resurrect their flagging growth numbers this way. Another is pure chat like ChatGPT. These are open ended systems. Google Gemini,…

  • 2025 Predictions

    I always find it cathartic to review the year and make 10 predictions for the next year. Also, I look back at 2024 and see how accurate my predictions were. 2024 Prediction Grade: 60% 2024 was a tumultuous year, especially in politics. At work, things have been good, but also…

  • Future retirement musings

    Not exactly a bucket list, but these are things I can imagine myself doing later in life. Educating product design I think Seth Godin’s altMBA is a great example of how you can gather a small group of students and teach them high quality skills. I could imagine doing my…

  • WordPress Twenty Twenty Five

    WordPress has been my blogging software since 2006. I installed version 2,0 and have been a fan ever since. I have been blogging since March 1996. (Wow, 28 years flies by so fast!) I used to blog nearly every day and now its just a few times a month. I…

  • Nauseously optimistic

    I heard this phrase on the news from a Kamala Harris advisor. I kind of love how it captures the feeling I often have, not just about the current political situation. Over the years, I have worked on many big projects. At least a half dozen times over the years,…

  • Unseen features

    Many PMs love to play the feature checklist game. It’s a strategy to win against the competition by having the highest number of features. Many salespeople convince themselves that they lost a deal solely because of a missing feature. In my opinion, this can sometimes work, but often omits more…