The Miser

Katie and I celebrated out 8th wedding anniversary by going to a nice French (Freedom) Restaurant and watching The Miser by French (Freedom) playwright Molière. The play, at the Berkeley Rep was fantastic. We enjoyed the costumes, the sets, the acting. It was the best play I have seen since “How to succeed in Business without really trying” with Matthew Broderick. That website is too funny.

Katie and I had a lovely time. The boys feel asleep at Penny’s. For some reason, Matthew calls Penny Me-Ma, which is what we called my father’s mother. As far as I know, no one has prompted him in this. It’s kind of strange. When we drove the boys home and stopped the car, Jared woke up and said, “I’m not sleepy!” and then feel back asleep. He is a goof.

In other news, Katie had me buy a manual lawnmower. The kind with no engine, it just spins and cuts. It actually works pretty good; I am impressed. We have to get to the backyard though otherwise the raking will be hell.

In technology news, I am having alot of trouble installing beta 2 of Windows Vista at home. Yes, I am trying, AGAIN.


One response to “The Miser”

  1. Katie Lipka Avatar

    Hi honey,
    I thought you were going to mention the crazy people at the Berkeley restaurant. What is wrong with those Berkeley people anyway? They are WAY too political. We would never fit in there. 😉

Whatya think?