Tag: UX

  • The UX of Terror

    These days there is alot of news about terror.  Bombs in Bagdad.  Nutballs in Virginia Tech.  9/11 and Columbine still seems fresh in my mind.  I think about how people react during these terrible moments of fear.  The students in Virginia Tech apparently froze.  They hid under the desks while the nutcase walked methodically around…

  • The UX of Sidewalks

    I was walking back from Ethan’s school yesterday on the sidewalk.  Suddenly, I noticed the lines in the sidewalk.  Without even realizing it, I had been either avoiding or hitting the lines on the purpose with my foot.  In other words, I was predicting, subconsciously, whether or not my foot would hit a line and…

  • Logos

    When working on logos, its often hard to get started.  It seems there are so many logos that have been done and you want to be original.  The Web2.0 Expo had a collection on their site of sponsors.  For me, it was a beautiful colelction of modern logos. The logo is such a wonderful design…

  • jQuery problem solving

    A guy on the jQuery mailing list asked how to achieve a goal. He had a table with checkboxes in  them.  He wanted the last checkbox to change the values of all the ones in that row.  The first answer came from Roman Weich which was: $(‘input.rowChecker’).click(function(){  $(this).parent().siblings(‘.updateItems’).find(‘input[@type=checkbox]’).attr(‘checked’,this.checked);}); I loook at it and thought.  Hmm, it…

  • JavaScript renaissance

    JavaScript Libraries are definetely changing the way developers approach the client-side.  Richness in the UI is becomming easier and easier.  (Remember designers: With great UI power comes great UI responsibility.) What is happening now is an explosion of different libraries that all do similar things in different ways.  Of course, I am a staunch support…

  • Book, by Glen Lipka

    I am interested in writing a book.  It’s hard to get started and get organized.  The theme of the book is this: People who know HTML and CSS, but are newbies or know nothing about JavaScript can create nice looking but static websites.  They can’t add interactivity unless an engineer helps them out.  I was…

  • Microsoft Vista UX Report

    I saw this article while searching for the use of animated logos as "please wait" icons.http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511284.aspx It is part of a larger UX guidelines kit from MS regarding VIsta.http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511258.aspx Amazingly, it is quite objective and even harsh against certain Microsoft tendencies.  I think it’s awesome that a company can be that objective and publish "bad…

  • LinkedIn

    I used to slam LinkedIn for being too complicated.  It was so hard to just get up and running because you needed to know everyone’s email.  However, after using it for a little while, it has grown on me.  It has nice features and a crisp design.  Several UX things they do, I have adopted…

  • TurboTax Tests

    Some of the UX Designs I made for TurboTax are going live.   I HAD temporary links.  Some people at Intuit who shall remain nameless have objected to showing them. So I am going to make local copies and host them myself.  The test is also delayed, so I will wait a little bit to put them up.…

  • Pictures

    Ok, so I redirected http://pictures.kokopop.com to go to the new place.  I like it, but I still have some reservations.  Plus we need to tag and upload about 6 gigs of photos.  Ugh! Additionally, I am getting a little annoyed with PowWeb.  The speed seems to be getting slower and slower.  Plus they still haven't…

  • Theme

    I am liking this theme for WordPress. (REMOVED) What do you think? I have been getting more and more into Search Engine Marketing for work.  Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing.  Today, I crawled through the Yahoo SM interface.  Alof ot interesting stuff.  One part, which I thought was terrible, was something someone picked out as…

  • PowerPoint 2007 for UX Design

    I have never used Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 for UX design before.  It's actually quite an improvement over the 2003 version.  The ability to manage styles so easily really has made using it a pleasure for my task, which is UX Design.  I have literally designed a major portion of the Marketo app in record time using…

  • Designers and Corporate America

    Thanks to Rachael Luxemburg for sending me this great article about what I go through. All of the creative community I work with thought it was right on the mark. I am still in love with jQuery by the way. It is much easier to deal with than the Jets. I wanted to make a…

  • Virtual Magnifying Glass

    Virtual Magnifying Glass/ This is a great tool that will be added to my little utility belt along with TrayColor. They are both free and each one does one thing very well. I love specialized software like that. I also saw a preview of Wallop.com. I don’t know if anyone has an account, but it…